May 1-11 has been designated “Spring Forward MN” by the online fundraising organization GiveMN.org. GiveMN offers a platform with which donors can give gifts to multiple Minnesota non-profits simultaneously. The website is available for year-round donations, but has an annual event called “Give to the Max Day” in November.
Last year GiveMN saw that non-profit organizations were unable to do traditional in-person fundraising due to the COVID-19 pandemic so it added a spring event to assist them. It was so successful that the decision was made to repeat the event in 2021.
Vintage Band Festival has participated in every Give to the Max Day since the event began and uses the GiveMN platform throughout the year as well. Earlier this month the VBF Board of Directors elected to also participate in “Spring Forward MN 2021.”
Besides the convenience that GiveMN.org offers donors, there are other benefits during Spring Forward MN. $50,000 will be awarded in increments of $250 and $1,000 for donors to make an extra contribution to an organization of their choose. These Bonus Grants will be determined with hourly and daily drawings during the May1-11 donation period. Vintage Band Festival has been the recipient of one of these surprise grants in the past and hopes to be a lucky winner again.
At Vintage Band Festival we are planning to return to live programming in 2021, although at this time we’re still not sure whether that will be in-person or virtual performances due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps it will be a combination of the two formats! In any case, we will have production expenses in order to put on a show. This is where you can help us. We have established a goal of $5,000 to be raised before May 31, 2021.
Please join us during Spring Forward MN in the drive toward our goal of raising $5,000. Donate online with whatever amount is right for you at GiveMN.org anytime between May 1-11. Just search for “Vintage Band Music Festival” on the givemn.org home page and click the big green DONATE button. Maybe your donation will be the one that secures another Bonus Grant for Vintage Band Festival!