Category Archives: Fundraising

Stage Sponsors for VBF 2022 are the best!

The number of Stage Sponsors ($1,000+) for Vintage Band Festival 2022 is record-setting. We’ve never had such a fantastic response to our action call! We need to thank the following from the bottom of our hearts:

Carl and Joan Behr

By All Means Graphics (in-kind)

Capital Construction

Carleton College

City of Montgomery MN

City of Northfield (in-kind)

Northfield Rotary Club

Mary Rosenberg

Nan and Dave Shumway

Jan Stevens

Lois and Noel Stratmoen

Three LInks Care Center

Three Links Care Center returns as a Vintage Band Festival Stage Sponsor in 2022


Sponsorships are vitally important to the success of Vintage Band Festival 2022. We want to welcome back Three Links Care Center as a Stage Sponsor for VBF 2022 and Hogan Brothers as a Day Sponsor. Pam Tidona, Marketing Manager at Three Links and Greg Heymans, Proprietor of Hogan Bros., are both enthusiastic supporters of Vintage Band Festival. Greg has told us that Vintage Band Festival weekend is typically his best weekend of the year!

Sponsorship benefits accrue at various levels, including frequent publicity on VBF social media, prominent recognition on banners and signs at the performance venues and in the official Vintage Band Festival program and an invitation to an exclusive donor reception just prior to the festival weekend in July.

Sponsorships are open to both businesses, non-profits and individuals. Stage Sponsorships are achieved with a $1,000 donation, Band Sponsorships occur at the $500 level, and Day Sponsors are named with a $250 donation. Donations of $3,000 or more are designated as Festival Sponsors. Festival Sponsors for VBF 2022 are the Wenger Foundation, the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council, the Minnesota State Arts Board, and JoAnn Polley and Mark Ulmer.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Vintage Band Festival Sponsor, please contact Jan Stevens, Fundraising Committee Chair, for more information. Jan can be reached at507-244-0500 or


VBF 2022 Spring Fund Drive is underway!

Hello  Vintage Band Festival friends! It’s been some weeks since we’ve made the time to update you on our status. Planning is going well for another summer musical blowout July 28-31, 2022. Vintage Band Festival 2022 promises to be a spectacular celebration of brass band music, historical band music, multi-cultural band music and band music to dance to. Please make plans today to join us for one morning, one afternoon, one day or all four days. You won’t be disappointed!

We are in the midst of our annual spring fund drive. This campaign is critical to our 2022 plans for a robust summer festival. We need to raise $10,000  by June 1 in order to stay on the budget track that we put into place last fall. The good news is that we are halfway to that goal. By the end of the day on April 22, we had tallied $5,475 for the spring drive. This puts us at $15,475 toward our overall goal of $35,000 by the time the last note of the festival sounds on July 31, 2022.

Recently, we sent a mailing to some of our past donors. To those who have given so generously since our 2021 festival we offer our warmest thanks. If you haven’t made a contribution to Vintage Band Festival recently or have always meant to make your first donation, now would be an excellent time to do so! You may send your check to Vintage Band Festival, 204 W. 7th St. #130, Northfield, MN 55057. If you prefer to make your contribution with a credit card, go to , scroll down and click on the green “Donate” button when it comes into view. Follow the prompts to make a safe and secure donation. A donation in any amount is welcome, but gifts of $100 or more would be especially helpful at this time.

The festival schedule is close to complete and we will begin to share details in the coming weeks. Check our website, regularly for updates and follow Vintage Band Festival on Facebook.

Thanks for your support!

Wenger support continues for Vintage Band Festival

Christmas came early for Vintage Band Festival in 2021. In late November we received word that the Wenger Foundation awarded the organization $10,000 in support of our 2022 4-day festival, July 28-31 next summer. We are profoundly grateful for the confidence the Wenger family has placed in the VBF mission of wind band music performed in public settings throughout our hometown of Northfield, Minnesota.

The Wenger Corporation produces innovative products for the music education, performing arts and athletic markets. Harry Wenger, Owatonna, Minnesota’s own “Music Man”, founded the Wenger Corporation in in his basement in 1946 and It is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2021. The Wenger Foundation has been a Vintage Band Festival benefactor since the festival’s founding in 2006.

Thanks for a successful Give-to-the-Max Day!

A great big THANK YOU to all of the 74 Vintage Band Festival donors during the month of November. We surpassed our $5,000 goal for Give to the Max Day by 30%!! That’s only 13% of our goal of $50,000 for next year’s 4-day festival, but it’s a great start. Thanks also to Doris Welke whose Early Giving donation won Vintage Band Festival a Golden Ticket worth $500. Thanks Doris!

There’s still plenty of time to make a year-end donation to keep us moving towards that 2022 goal. Please visit our website to donate online or send a check to 204 W. 7th St. #130, Northfield, MN 55057.

We hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving weekend!  #GTMD21  #vbf2022

Vintage Band Festival awarded $10,000 SEMAC grant

On November 10, 2021, the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council (SEMAC) announced that Vintage Band Festival has been awarded a $10,000 Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund grant for use in staging the 4-day Vintage Band Festival 2022. The grant was one of five awarded to Rice County non-profits organizations.  Here are the other four:

Faribault Parks & Recreation — $5,000 Arts and Cultural Heritage grant for Faribault Concerts in the Park series.

• I Cantanti Chamber Choirs — $5,000 General Operating Support grant for facilities & staffing.

• Northfield Arts Guild — $9,925 Arts and Cultural Heritage grant for focused arts learning, home school/after school.

• Paradise Center for the Arts — $10,000 Arts and Cultural Heritage grant for Marquee Children’s Theatre.

Vintage Band Festival will use the grant to help fund a number of brass and wind musical ensembles from Minnesota that will be invited to perform in Northfield in July of 2022. SEMAC has been generous to our organization over the  past 15 years and we are grateful to our elected representatives for continuing to support the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund that was established in 2008. This initiative benefits all Minnesotans!

Thanks to VBF Secretary Joy Riggs for her skillful writing in the SEMAC application!

VBF is gearing up for 2022!

The sounds of Vintage Band Festival 2021 still reverberate in our ears four months later. What a glorious day it was! If you’re wanting to hear the music again, we encourage you to visit Northfield Public Broadcasting for the complete performances of Jack Brass Band and Brio Brass. Thanks to Sam Temple and his colleagues at NPB for providing us with these recordings.

Our plans for Vintage Band Festival 2022 are in motion. The event will be held in Northfield, Minnesota July 28-31, 2022. The budget for a 4-day festival is approximately $100,000, 50% of which will need to come from individuals like you and businesses in the area. Gifts made to Vintage Band Festival in 2021 will be used to support the 2022 festival, which will feature more than 30 brass and wind bands playing nearly 100 concerts over the 4-day period.

Many of you received a letter recently outlining the financial needs for presenting the next Vintage Band Festival. If you’ve already responded to this letter, thank you! If you haven’t or you’d like to assist in leveraging your gift in other ways, there’s another opportunity during the month of November.

The 2021 edition of Minnesota’s 24-hour giving celebration, Give to the Max Day, will take place on Thursday, November 18, and Vintage Band Festival is joining the fun. We have participated every year since the first GTMD in 2009. Remember that each donation to Vintage Band Festival in any amount is entered into the pool for Golden Tickets to be drawn every 15 minutes and also once each hour. The lucky winners get to grant an additional gift or to the organization of their choice. The 15-minute Golden Tickets are worth $500 and the hourly Golden Ticket is worth $1,000.

There is also an Early Giving period from November 1-17. Any gift to Vintage Band Festival during Early Giving is eligible for a daily drawing of $500 and then put into the pool for all of the drawings on November 18. Give to the Max Day and Early Giving donations for Vintage Band Festival can be made at .

Please consider a gift today and stay current with our 2022 plans by regularly visiting and the Vintage Band Festival Facebook page.

The Financing of Vintage Band Festival


Each Vintage Band Festival event requires financial support from various funding sources in order to be produced. Our organization is a non-profit corporation that relies on grants, sponsorships, and donations from private individuals and businesses to underwrite our expenses.


As we ramp up preparations for Vintage Band Festival on July 31, 2021, we want to take a moment to thank our loyal and continuing supporters in the granting community. We have been fortunate to receive assistance multiple times from Wenger Foundation, the Minnesota State Arts Board (MSAB), and the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council (SEMAC). These wonderful arts supporters have been generous not only to Vintage Band Festival, but also to a number of our performing ensembles as well. In recent years, funds granted by both MSAB and SEMAC are the direct result of dollars provided by Minnesota taxpayers through the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment enacted by the Minnesota State Legislature in 2008. Please thank your representatives for this marvelous and thoughtful legislation!


In 2021, we have sponsorship opportunities for organizations to assist us with the financial needs of the festival. The top level of sponsorship is the Stage Sponsor. We’re pleased to announce that both the Northfield Rotary Club and the Northfield News have agreed to be Stage Sponsors of Vintage Band Festival 2021. Thanks to both of these fine partners for their support this year and in years past.



2021 is the 16th year of Vintage Band Festival’s life. During that time we have established a track record of great performances, a collaborative spirit, and many memories for our performers and our audience. We have started to see our friends respond to this work in wonderful ways.

In the past 12 months, Vintage Band Festival has received nearly $10,000 in legacy gifts from two longtime supporters of the festival. Both of these donors have requested anonymity, but we wanted to let our audience know how incredibly grateful we are for this recognition and for their generosity. One of the gifts came from a musician family in one of our performing ensembles and the other was inspired by the work of one of our ardent volunteers. In each case, the donor expressed gratitude for the joy that Vintage Band Festival has brought to their lives and the hope that this experience will continue for many years to come.


If you are considering becoming a 2021 Stage Sponsor ($1,000) or a 2021 Band Sponsor ($500), we’d love to hear from you soon so that we can include your name in all of our promotion and marketing activities. If you are considering a legacy gift to Vintage Band Festival or a 2021 sponsorship, please contact our Fundraising Committee at Thank you and hope to see you in Northfield, MN on July 31! The music starts at 9:30 am.

For continuing updates about Vintage Band Festival, visit our website at and follow us on Facebook at Vintage Band Festival.

Spring Forward for Vintage Band Festival May 1-11

May 1-11 has been designated “Spring Forward MN” by the online fundraising organization GiveMN offers a platform with which donors can give gifts to multiple Minnesota non-profits simultaneously. The website is available for year-round donations, but has an annual event called “Give to the Max Day” in November.

Last year GiveMN saw that non-profit organizations were unable to do traditional in-person fundraising due to the COVID-19 pandemic so it added a spring event to assist them. It was so successful that the decision was made to repeat the event in 2021.

Vintage Band Festival has participated in every Give to the Max Day since the event began and uses the GiveMN platform throughout the year as well. Earlier this month the VBF Board of Directors elected to also participate in “Spring Forward MN 2021.”

Besides the convenience that offers donors, there are other benefits during Spring Forward MN. $50,000 will be awarded in increments of $250 and $1,000 for donors to make an extra contribution to an organization of their choose. These Bonus Grants will be determined with hourly and daily drawings during the May1-11 donation period. Vintage Band Festival has been the recipient of one of these surprise grants in the past and hopes to be a lucky winner again.

At Vintage Band Festival we are planning to return to live programming in 2021, although at this time we’re still not sure whether that will be in-person or virtual performances due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps it will be a combination of the two formats! In any case, we will have production expenses in order to put on a show. This is where you can help us. We have established a goal of $5,000 to be raised before May 31, 2021.

Please join us during Spring Forward MN in the drive toward our goal of raising $5,000. Donate online with whatever amount is right for you at anytime between May 1-11. Just search for “Vintage Band Music Festival” on the home page and click the big green DONATE button. Maybe your donation will be the one that secures another Bonus Grant for Vintage Band Festival!

COVID-19 update from Vintage Band Festival

The last event that Vintage Band Festival produced took place on February 29, 2020. We had a great turnout at the Northfield Ballroom for our “Leap Year Swing Dance” with music provided by Bend in the River Big Band. Two weeks later, all live entertainment in the entire country was silenced by COVID-19. Vintage Band Festival went on hiatus for the rest of 2020.

Now that vaccines are being distributed, the medical community and governmental agencies are considering what that means for resuming activities that 12 months ago were thought of as “normal” or “routine.” We are following those discussions and announcements with great interest and trying to chart a course for Vintage Band Festival in 2021.

It’s too early for us to know whether we’ll be able to provide music this year in our usual format: outdoors in a public park. Because of that uncertainty, we are exploring options for streaming music in a virtual format. This could be live or recorded music or a combination of the two. Stay tuned for developments on this front!

In the meantime, we continue to raise funds for the future needs of Vintage Band Festival. We have recently added PayPal as an additional option for online donations at We also are beginning to see donors considering legacy gifts to our organization. These are larger gifts using donor-advised funds from investment portfolios. Please consult with your financial advisor if this is something you may be interested in doing. Some folks have even told us that they’re setting aside some of their stimulus money for Vintage Band Festival!

We hope this message finds you in good health and good spirits. One last thought: if you haven’t received your COVID-19 vaccination yet, please do so as soon as circumstances allow. The more people that get vaccinated, the sooner we can gather in a group setting to listen to brass bands together!

Sheldon Theatre Brass Band-VBF 2018