Thanks to our wonderful corporate and individual sponsors for Vintage Band Festival 2021.
Northfield Rotary Club
Carleton College
Jan Stevens, Coldwell Banker River Valley, Realtors
Northfield News (in-kind)
City of Northfield (in-kind)
BAND SPONSORS ($500-$999)
Carl and Joan Behr are sponsors of Lake Wobegon© Brass Band.
Rod and Deb Christensen are sponsoring Copper Street Brass.
Dennis and Janet Hahn are sponsoring the Roseville Big Band.
Joanne Stohl is sponsoring Brio Brass.
Nan and Dave Shumway are sponsors of Banda La Verdadera and Bavarian Musikmeisters.
Lois and Noel Stratmoen are sponsors of Copper Street Brass.
Bob and Ann Perkins are sponsors of Sheldon Theatre Brass Band.
Mary Rosenberg is sponsoring Southside Aces and The Above Average Tuba Quartet.
Merchants Bank Northfield is sponsoring Roseville Big Band.
Millstream Commons Assisted Living is sponsoring Twin Cities Trumpet Ensemble.
Click on the image below for a complete list of the 2021 Vintage Band Festival donors.