
Paul and Maribeth Beck

Carl and Joan Behr

Behr Farms, Inc.

Dan Bergeson

Cathedral of Our Merciful Saviour

Carlson Capital Management

Judith Cederberg

Rod and Deb Christensen

College City Beverage

College City Sertoma

CUB Foods

Dennis Dempsey

Mary Dunnewold

Richard and Gretchen Falck

Fireside Orchard

Frandsen Bank and Trust

Alice Hanson

John F.  Hanson

Just Food Co-op

Karl and Dao Hella

Hogan Brothers Acoustic Café

Holden Farms, Inc.

Isaacson Implement

Douglas and Mary Jones

Vicki Kanne

Larson’s Fabric Printing

Mandarin Garden

Karen Meidt

Neuger Communications Group

Northfield Hospital

Northfield Lines

Northfield Pharmacy

Northfield Retirement Community

Northfield Senior Center

Tim O’Connell

Quality Bakery

Mary Raney

Rare Pair

Joy Riggs

Mary Rossing

John and Lynne  Severson

John Sielaff

Bernie Street

William C. Talen

Paul Tarabeck

Three Links Community

Molly Woehrlin

Frank and Ann Wright