Use this toolkit of marketing ideas to help publicize the Vintage Band Festival at your location.
1.) Share the Vintage Band Festival logo on your own website or Facebook page:
2.) Utilize our press page: Find the festival’s latest announcements on our News Blog; there’s also a searchable Festival Schedule to gather background information on 30+ bands playing 100+ concerts. We encourage you to share or link to the band bios, in-town and out-of-town maps, audio clips and the promo video, etc. in your blogs and social media.
3) Get our gear: Call the Northfield Historical Society to order (507) 645-9268.
4) “Like” the Vintage Band Festival on Facebook and follow #VBF on Twitter @vintagebandfest for updates. Be social! Contact us at and 507-321-1250.
5) You can order quantities of the following printed items by sending an email message with your mailing address to Let us know how many you want.
View the Official 2013 Program here.