July 28-31, 2016
An international gathering of brass instrument musicologists, pedagogues, students, early music specialists and performers under the auspices of the Historic Brass Society is taking place in Northfield, Minnesota, in conjunction with Vintage Band Festival 2016.
Event Description
This festival and conference has been held annually in various locations in the United States.
The combination with Vintage Band Festival offers a wider range of informal playing sessions to a wider audience, and serves as an introductory forum for students and other musicians into the sphere of historically informed period-instrument performance.
Attendees will include many of the world-renowned performers and experts in brass instrument musicology, representing worldwide research and professors and students from major colleges universities in the United States and Canada.
Conference Site: The City of Northfield, Minnesota is situated along the banks of the Cannon River in the rich agricultural region of southeastern Minnesota and stands as a prominent example of a pioneer town that has thrived for over 150 years. Located within a 45-minute drive from the Minneapolis and St. Paul, the city of Northfield offers residents the pleasing combination of proximity to a metropolitan area and a quiet, small town setting. Northfield’s population is about 20,000, which includes 5,000 college students in winter.
Northfield celebrates its motto “Cows, Colleges, and Contentment.” This phrase serves as recognition that agriculture continues to be Northfield’s largest industry, that the colleges (Carleton College and St. Olaf College) are a driving force in the community, and finally that contentment is the feeling Northfield provides for visitors and citizens alike. Northfield has an unusually active arts community and a lively historical society, both of which are enthusiastically supported by its citizens.
Historic Brass Society Early Brass Festival Details
The EBF will be held in conjunction with weekend-long Vintage Band Festival and will include:
- Activities for all early brass instruments; Cornetto, natural trumpet, natural horn, sackbut, ophicleide, serpent, 19th century brass
- Informal playing sessions for all instruments; Lectures, Concerts, HBS Membership Meeting,
- Reception
Jeff Nussbaum, Festival Director
Paul Niemisto, Vintage Band Festival Artistic Director
Registration : Download this pdf and mail to Jeffrey Nussbaum with check enclosed. Yes, you can just appear and register on site!
Early Brass Festival 2016 registration
If you wish to contribute a paper, contact Jeff Nussbaum by May 1, 2016.
Minneapolis/St. Paul (MSP) airport transportation options:
Questions? Contact: Historic Brass Society
Some EBF Housing will be in the beautiful 19th century Archer House. www.archerhouse.com 212 Division Street Northfield, MN 55057. A special Festival rate is available. The Archer House features 36 Guest Rooms and Suites including Cozy (16), Large (11), Executive Rooms (5) and Two Room Suites (3). Early booking suggested!
• There are air conditioned dormitory rooms available at Carleton College Townhouses (very near) for $35 per night.* There are other accommodations nearby as well (see websites below). Send dormitory housing requests to vintagebandfestival@gmail.com , and we will get back to you
For program inquiries or ideas, contact HBS President Jeffrey Nussbaum at
Historic Brass Society, Inc.
148 West 23rd Street #5F
New York, NY 10011 USA
212-627-3820 Voice/FAX;
* indicate your interest in dormitory housing on your registration, and we will hold the room/bed for you. NOTE: most rooms are double occupancy- so indicate any room partner you’re planning for. There is a limited number single rooms also. Inquiries about housing details, please send to vintagebandfestival@gmail.com.
HBS-EBF 2016 Program
Historic Brass Society
31st Early Brass Festival
Vintage Band Festival
July 28-31, 2016
Northfield, MN
Paul Niemisto – Director VBF
Jeff Nussbaum – President, HBS
Tracey Gibbens – Northfield EBF Host
Sessions held at the Weitz Center for Creativity, Carleton College, Union St. and Third, Northfield.
2016 Historic Brass Society
34th Annual Early Brass Festival Schedule
at Vintage Band Festival, Northfield Minnesota
Sessions held at the Weitz Center for Creativity (Cinema), Union St., Northfield, (very close walking distance from downtown Division Street and HBS-EBF housing)
Friday July 29
8:30 – 9:30 – Opening Meet and Greet (Weitz Cinema)
9:30- 10:00 – Glen Newton- British Brass Bands in Minnesota (Weitz Cinema)
10: -10:15 break
10:15 – 11:30 – Maya Santamaria- The “Banda” Movement in the United States (Weitz Cinema)
Saturday July 30
9:00 – 9:30 – Bruce Gleason – Mounted Military Brass Bands in the U.S. (Weitz Cinema)
9:30-10:00: Ronald Rodman- World War One and Sousa (Weitz Cinema)
10:15 – 10:30 Break and walk to UCC Church
10:30- 11:15: Mark Ponzo Lecture/Performance with Cornopean – First United UCC Church, Northfield (UCC Church)
Sunday July 31
9:00 – 9:45 – Chris Hasselbring – teaching modern trumpet technique through the use of natural trumpet (Weitz Cinema)
9:45 – 10:15 – Tracey Gibbens and Nolan Hauta- “Vernon Malone and his Legacy in Virginia, MN 1918-1948. (Weitz Cinema)
10:15 – 10:30 Break and walk to UCC Church
11:00 – 11:45- Friedemann Immer, Don Johnson: The Keyed Trumpet, Lecture/Performance; (UCC Church)
11:45- HBS Meeting and closing remarks.
For more information about Northfield, please visit these websites: